
bands buy records

This is Soho, April 2018

Brand positioning and content-led digital partnership celebrating independent music businesses ahead of Record Store Day 2018 for This Is Soho on Loud And Quiet platforms.

Loud And Quiet is a respected, well-read independent music magazine, rarely collaborating commercially - their features are authentic and received credibly.

I negotiated a package of three Bands Buy Records videos and supporting promotion, managed the partnership and liaised with the record stores to ensure successful collaborative results.

Artists were chosen collaboratively to compliment the individual record store’s values and offerings.



Support the local, independent record stores and mark the Record Store Day occasion, avoiding conflicting on street or in-store activation and on the day attendance.



  • Brand exposure and credible music industry alignment for This Is Soho

  • Authentic, content led assets which showcased retailers in an interesting and relatable way that wasn’t overtly sales focused 

  • Provided shareable, ownable content for the record stores

  • Evergreen content for brand digital channels


all female independent label market


free pouring